Wednesday, 29 September 2010

flickering through films

Because I fancy myself as a bit of an amateur photographer, on the side, I have decided to devote my poor disused flickr account to housing some of my favourite analogue snaps.  So if you would like to show the page some love, you can find it here.

In the meantime, I have picked up a delightful Autumn cold, so it's Peppermint tea, big socks and tissues for me today.  Just in time for the start of term!


  1. How lovely your blog looks -- charming. :) I gather these are your drawings -- do you sell them, too, or is it simply a hobby? I especially like the owl -- so adorable and sweet.

  2. Hi Outi!
    Thank you very much!
    The drawings are mine, unless otherwise stated! I'm glad you are fond of my owl. I am planning to launch an Etsy shop soon so that I can sell some prints...I will be sure to let you know when I do :)
    P.s. Lovely polaroids!!
