Wednesday, 1 December 2010

hello, twenty four

Well then, it looks like I'm no longer twenty three.  It's been a good year, which I decided to see out by rolling around in some Bristol snow, being swarmed by police as a by-stander in the midst of a student protest, purchasing a couple of snuggly jumper skirts, perusing the nicest of little galleries, being denied chips at a cafe (but making up for it with a warm veggie sausage roll) and eating my very first tarte tatan at the devine Demuths. But how did I get on with my 'twenty three things to do before I turn twenty four' list?  Ahem...

1. Build a website
2. Eat a Knickerbockerglory
3. Post regular blog entries
4. Fill two polaroid films
5. Go to Ryantown
Well, okay, not quite (I blame the weekend job), but I did see some Rob Ryan originals in London!
6. Launch a greeting card range
7. Re-pot my sad little apple tree
8. Decoupage my sewing box
9. Learn to crochet, make something
10. Get a First for something at uni
11. Watch a meteor shower (it's been so long)
12. Make one of these
13. Go to the Little at least once a month
I certainly had a good go anyway!!
14. Add a patch to Issy's quilt
15. Make fifteen recipes from my recipe stash
16. Order some fabric from Spoonflower
17. Say 'yes' more
Subjective, but I think so.
18. Learn to do silkscreen printing
19. Organise a photo scavenger hunt
20. Get work experience in a studio
21. Be an explorer of the world
22. Feel hot sand between my toes (please?)
Ha!  No chance.
23.  Discover five new authors
Six, actually!!

Eleven out of twenty three.  Pathetic.  I apologise, I shall set my self fewer goals this year and try much, much harder!!


  1. well i think you did very well, a lot of achievements. imagine if you set that as a yearly thing and by the time you were 80 you would have had to do 79 new things the year leading up to it, freaking hard work. perhaps if you do a 24 list some more simple things could be involved afterall we have to be creative pretty much 24/7 as it is. xxx

  2. Two very good points, my dear! Yes, I think I shall set myself targets like 'paint my nails acid green' and 'use some collage in my work' to overcome that obstacle!

    I'm still pleased that I read seven books...! (A pretty minor accomplishment for someone like Jon, but for me, a triumph!)


  3. I'd say that's pretty good for a twenty three year old! I don't think I achieved much at all during that year! Enjoying your lovely blog by the way. Have a nice evening.

  4. Ha ha! Well, I suppose my degree may have suffered had I entertained the whole list!

    Thank you very much - I am very much enjoying the Seventy Tree many beautiful things and finds! And frequent updates to fuel my unrelenting blog addiction! x

  5. Oo I really want to go to Demuths. I think I might have to make one of these lists, but I'm scared I will only cross a disappointing amount of things off!
