Tuesday, 11 January 2011

mr. mersault

* Note: Sorry for re-posting this so many times...there was a very irksome spelling mistake in the title and I just had to get rid of it!

I am sad to say that I missed yesterday's deadline for the Folio Society's illustration competition for Albert Camus' The Outsider.  But here is a quick illustration I've put together, post-deadline, in response to Mr Mersault's prison experience, upon remembering the familiar sights and sounds of Algiers from outside his cell.

I am mainly just pleased that I've managed to put a person into one of my pictures that isn't a silhouette or a tracing, at last!  This guy was inspired by Petra Borner's lovely figure drawing.  She may have saved me from an on-going struggle.


  1. i love this and im sitting right next to you hee hee

  2. Thanks Ness! I need to sit next to you more often (so I can steal your ideas) xxx

    Thank you seesaw designs!! You're most kind x

  3. thats really great, lots of detail and the collage feel is awesome, its a shame u missed the deadline, your style would go great with the book

    thx for checkin out my work as well =)

  4. Thanks very much!

    ...Prefer yours though!! ;) Hope it does well!

  5. I missed the deadline too! Found out about it just a bit too late, rushed to do something, got the flu..so abandoned it as I was never going to manage in time. Sad you didn't get to enter, your illustration is wonderful..here's hoping they will run another comp sometime..

  6. this is really lovely, such a shame you missed the deadline, i studied this book in french class in school and the illustration on the front was crap. i would have been a lot more enthusiastic if this had been on the front cover

  7. That's very kind thanks! I have to admit, the picture on the front of my copy is terrifying. It's a very creepy portrait of a man with quite a scary face, so I think most things would be an improvement on that edition!!
