Thursday, 20 September 2012

a little look at LOAf

Thanks to all of those who helped LOAf magazine secure its funding for its first ever issue!  I am sort of itching to share my piece, so I've put some square snippets of it up above.

Currently enjoying:

Making this delicious berry crumble cake (go on, give it a go!)
The mesmerising imagery of Becca Stadtlander
The new Fionn Regan record (beautiful)
The new Grizzly Bear record
Jane Austen related films

Sunday, 16 September 2012

forgotten things

I designed these journal covers around the end of last year as a sort of pitch for a project with a lovely independent publisher, who I have done some more work with this year.  It has only just occurred to me that I should probably put them on my blog so that they can see the light of day!

Thursday, 6 September 2012


I have recently finished this print for my nephew, who's just turned fourteen (fourteen?!  How did that happen?) and wanted something to put in his newly-blue room for his birthday.

Gone are the days of play-fighting and drawing pictures together, or pretending to be explorers with electric-tape-moustaches, and eventually giving in to anime videos for a brief, but blissful rest from all of the curiosity, and questions and running around.  But what a marvellous lad he has grown into (still curious, still inquisitive and as sharp as an axe).  Anyway, I hope he will like this collection of moths; one for each year we've been fortunate to have him around.  Happy birthday Aaran!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

just a handful of photographs...

Foraging for bouquets of wild flowers, and enjoying views of the plains in Wiltshire.

Scenes from Bristol Harbour Festival.

Somewhere in the middle of this one is a beautiful view of Bristol from atop Ashton Court.

Sometimes the only antidote for a stressful day is a brisk stroll into Clifton
and talking it out over chips.

And giving yourself clear visual reminders to foster the happy mood gleamed 
from a brisk stroll and chips.

Werc at work at Bristol's fantastic See No Evil project in Nelson Street.  So impressive.