Saturday, 27 March 2010

galactic psychedelia...

Thank you Nigel for the very kind loan of this gorgeous little comic.  A bizarre tale from Mr Will Sweeney (the bloke who did that cover for Architecture in Helsinki) following the journey of a sandwich (yes, a sandwich) on his quest to defeat the evil villains (a German hotdog and some other unidentified vegetable) that have captured his girlfiend (a girl sandwich) and are plotting to take over Rastapopolis, the brightly coloured little world that Sweeney has created in Tales from Greenfuzz.  The most striking thing about this comic is the alluringly vibrant colour palette that gives it its otherworldly feel...

Granted, it's quite a silly story, but so definitely worth an ogle, and I would quite like to know what happens, if anyone happens to possess volume two...?

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Mmm MM.

I have been doing a lot of this this week.

Update soon.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

blue person shoes

I am posting this image in an attempt to relieve some of the bitterness that remains from Friday's tragic state of affairs (tired and disorientated, I regrettably omitted this file from my memory stick on the day of my project's unveiling, receiving the criticism that my images lacked a vital splash of colour.  Well here it is.  At home.)


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

a quiet masterclass

This little video is dizzyingly brilliant...I love watching these rare little insights into the illustrator's artful process.  I have been in love with Kat Macleod's enchanting ladies for some time, but I simply cannot get my head around how immediate her practice is.  It would be beyond me to dream up just one of these prints.  I'm also quite envious of all the colourful pots and tins and boxes she keeps producing (and am frightfully aware of how dull a video of my working practice would be. "Oh look, she's still drawing in black pen.  Can you believe that is her fifth cup of tea?" Maybe I should adopt some new materials...).

Note: Watching this video to the sound of 'Flight of the Bumble Bee' is entirely recommended.

Monday, 1 March 2010

folky feet

I'm sure if I could find a manufacturer for these beauties, they would be BIG.

Any takers?